Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Suicide Squad #4 of 8

John Ostrander has a lot of fun with Amanda Waller. She is a great character and Ostrander does a good job of keeping true to her character. Waller is just a bad ass. She's augmenting the team in this issue and it is fun to watch her go through the candidates. I won't spoil the ending but a big bomb is dropped and it has me looking forward to the next issue. The art by penciller Javier Pina and inker Robin Riggs is pretty good. A lot of it reminds me of the late 80s/early 90s stuff that DC was putting out. The team does a good job of capturing the different personalities on display and setting a good atmosphere for them to play in.

At the halfway point and Ostrander continues to impress me with his complete grasp of Waller and the characterization of the squad members - both new and old. This miniseries is a good read and is highly recommended.

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