Monday, December 10, 2007

Infinity Inc. #4

I gave it four issues. My son gave it three and half. He couldn't even make it through this issue. I gritted my teeth and pushed through and read it all. I don't know what writer Peter Milligan is going for here. I'm guessing it supposed to be the Emo team, but they come off as a bunch of whiners. Milligan does a horrible job of explaining the character motivations and what is going on here. I'm saddened to see such a great character like John Henry Irons wasted. He needs to put back on the armor and get back to being the DCU's Iron Man.

This title never made my pull list as I would grab it when I saw it on the rack. If it had been good I would have put it on my list, but this wasn't the case. The book is a complete mess and is BORING to boot. Stay away.

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