Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Robin #169

"The Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul" comes to a screeching halt in "Robin" #169. Writer Peter Milligan's dialogue is stilted and unnatural and the characterizations are a bit off. David Baldeon's art is okay but not on the level of the rest of this seven part story. When we left Batman in "Batman" #671 the Sensei had just been beaten by a bloodied and almost gutted Batman. In this issue Batman shows no signs of the fight he was just in. That's is a knock on Editors Mike Martz and Jeanine Schaefer. With a story this tightly plotted you would think that the visuals would be consistent throughout.

I know that Robin has a lost a lot of people close to him over the last few years, but I just don't see him even considering Ra's offer. It doesn't ring true.

"The Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul" lost a lot of steam in this issue. Here's hoping Fabian Nicieza and Paul Dini can finish this story out strong in the upcoming parts 6 & 7 in "Nightwing" and "Detective Comics".


Bruce Kent said...

Hey, I totally agree with you about the Ra's arc seeming just like "another story" after they billed it as such a big event. As for the latest issue of Robin...Robin is on my pull list and his current actions almost make me want to stop reading. It doesn't seem like him at all.
I felt the artwork in Robin also was below par.

To bring a little clarity for you the reason Batman doesn't have any scratches on him is due to the fact he was in the fountain of life water after it burned Sensei in the previous issue. As for him not having any tears in his costume I attribute that to bad editing.

Comic Adventurer said...

Writer Peter Milligan didn't have a good week with both "Robin" and "Infinity Inc.". With Ra's story I'm assuming that DC is attempting to get more readers for the Bat family of titles. I know my son wants "Robin" on the pull list but this issue didn't make a good enough statement for that.