Friday, December 28, 2007

Countdown: Arena #4 of 4

If I treat "Countdown: Arena" like a summer popcorn flick like "I, Robot" or "Armageddon" then I can say that it was a fun read. If, on the other hand, this is supposed to be a pivotal miniseries in the, as Dan Didio puts it, "Countdown" line of comics then I have to say, "huh?" Everything that happened here (and in sister series like "The Search for Ray Palmer") could have taken place in the main "Countdown to Final Crisis" weekly. Heck, if that had happened that book might even be better. Now, it was a fun mindless read. I'll give DC that, but it did not accomplish very much.

In the final analysis, I have to say that while this mini had a lot of action, it was much like eating sushi - good going down but I'm hunger ten minutes later.

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