Friday, December 7, 2007

Countdown to Final Crisis #23

The first half of this issue has the reader bouncing around catching up with all of the players that have been absent the last few issues. This issue is another step backwards in improving the series. It feels like this issue is there for stretching the story out.

Why are the Challengers here? They have all of those one shots they can deal with their plot line.
Why are the New Gods here? They have "The Death of the New Gods" for their story.
What is the importance of Piper & Trickster? Are they here just to get whacked?
What is the importance of Holly & Harley? That story has just gone nowhere.

The Karate Kid/Firestorm in Bludhaven plot has provide some good action and a good ending to this issue, but how does it all fit in. I'm ready to give up on this weekly. "52" was a compelling read that rose to the top of my weekly pull list. "Countdown to Final Crisis" has had some improvements but this issue misses the boat.

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