Monday, December 10, 2007

Invincible #47

As with "The Walking Dead", I finally caught up in TPBs on "Invincible" to go real time and buy the monthly. Both of these fine Kirkman books have been added to my monthly pull list. "Invincible" #47 is a "catching up" issue that bounces all around the Invincible universe catching the reader up on the various plot lines that Kirkman has been threading since the beginning of the book. I'm really interested to see how Allen the Alien and Invicible's dad team up in prison and bust out. Kirkman is excellent at putting little moments in this book that ring true to life. The exchange between Mark and his roommate after he catches his roommate doing something embarrassing is truly hilarious. Ryan Ottley's art continues to be pitch perfect for this series. He does an excellent job of capturing both action and dialogue scenes. The little facial expressions he uses for the characters provides me a good chuckle as well.

Kirkman has created a the best new superhero character (and universe) in a long time. If you haven't checked out "Invincible" I recommend you pick up the the TPB or issue #42. This comic rates high on my must read list every month and Kirkman generally never fails to impress.

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