Friday, December 21, 2007

Justice League of America #16

Taking a break from torturing myself with the "Countdown" weekly releases, I decided to dive into something good, namely, "Justice League of America". I thought the cover was interesting showing the Tangent Universe heroes with Tangent Flash leading the way. I found the issue pretty pedestrian in its pacing. McDuffie does a decent job with Red Arrow in this issue and I like that he is giving him more to do than just pose in the background. We finally get to see Black Canary as a mission leader and people actually listening to her. I liked the team mix presented but McDuffie leaves most of the action off panel. Joe Benitez' art looks like he is channeling old school Todd McFarlane with the curling hair, long faces, and jutting jaws. I like his art, but he needs to tone down the big chins. Tangent Flash looks a bit too much like Supergirl for my taste.

I was disappointed in this issue as a whole. I've looked forward to the next few month's solicitations and it looks like this plot line won't be picked up in those issues. This issue was all setup and the payoff looks not to happen for quite some time.

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