Friday, December 28, 2007

Countdown to Adventure #5 of 8

I'm a little worried about Buddy after this issue. More to the point, I'm worried about his marriage. I know in TV shows, soap operas, and comic books people aren't supposed to be happily married because no one is right?....wrong. One of Buddy's strengths as a character is his devotion to his family. It is on display in this issue, but writer Adam Beechen shows us the pain in Buddy's wife. She's not happy with Buddy with regards to Kory and I can't say that I blame here. Stuff like this, though, can make a marriage stronger. I'm hoping Buddy realizes that he's being very insensitive to his wife, Ellen, and this gets all sorted out. Beechen has the story moving along at a good clip as all of the heroes now beginning to realize the circumstances of the "disease". The art team of Allan Goldman and Julio Ferreira does an decent job of putting the visuals to Beechen's story.

The only complaint I have about this book is that the page count for the primary story is not enough. I wish they would have made this a six issue series and just had one story because the backup "Forerunner" story is a snoozer. I've lost interest. I could not care less what is going on in those waisted 16 pages. DC could have also reduced the page count, left it at eight issues, and saved me a buck an issue.

Buy this book for the Animal Man, Starfire, & Adam Strange story.

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