Friday, February 29, 2008

Project Superpowers #1 (and #0)

Based on word-of-mouth I picked up Dynamite's "Project Superpowers". Another reason for taking a peek is that this series has Alex Ross and Jim Krueger behind it - the team behind DC's awesome "Justice" series. I picked up issue #0 a few weeks ago and waited until I got issue #1 to read them both. So, there they both sat until I worked up the urge to read them. If you come into this and read just issue #1 you may be a bit lost. Issue #0 is provides the background and launching point for the series. Issue #1 kicks in a bit more action along with the story and character development. Most of the characters in the book are reclaimed out-of-print heroes whose adventures were published in the 1940s. This doesn't mean we have a bunch of old guys running around in the present. Fighting Yank is the main protagonist of the story and he is the old dude. In what is eerily similar to Marvel's "The Twelve" many of the long lost heroes have been locked away for safe keeping since the 40s. While "The Twelve" takes the approach of reintroducing the characters to the changes over the last 60+ years, "Project Superpowers" skips that and gets cracking with the action. Krueger seems to be having fun with the characters and interior artist Carlos Paul does a fantastic job with the art. Krueger does have some clunky lines in the script but considering the genesis of these characters I'm willing to forgive that.

If you are going to jump into this series, I strongly suggest you read issue #0. I trust Ross & Krueger and will be hanging around for the entire miniseries. I dig Golden Age heroes and think this series looks fun.

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