Thursday, February 14, 2008

Countdown to Final Crisis #11

All of the regular players are now on Apokolips and...nothing much happens. After several issues in a row of action and story, this is the second issue in a row to pause and catch the reader up on who's who. Every storyline is present in this issue as all are getting adjusted to their respective situations on Apokolips. The Granny Goodness - Harley/Holly/Mary story has to be the most ridiculous. With the build up of "Amazons Attacks", Granny is taken down by a razor cut and the three amigos continue to bumble through the story. We get a little more Trickster with a mysterious one-handed visitor. Even as Red Robin, Jason Todd continues to be a dick. However, he does have some good observations about how one-dimensional this series has made both Kyle and Donna. Jimmy Olsen continues his wacky 60s & 70s revival meeting more silly characters on Apokolips.

As a wrap up, a whole lot of pages and not much moving forward. Let's get to the final bash and see what the hell is going on and why I'm buying this series.

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