Friday, February 1, 2008

Green Lantern #27

The second part of "The Alpha Lanterns" story has writer Geoff Johns peering over the edge of ridiculous. I want to trust Johns here as he has put out some excellent books over the last few years, but having the Guardians create this quasi-Manhunter/Green Lantern hybrid almost borders on stupid. At this point I'm asking myself if the Guardians ever learn from past mistakes. I'm guessing this is what Johns is going for here with the hubris of the Guardians on full display. The book starts out quite nice with the both Hal and John being called in to trace a Sinestro Corp ring buzzing around Earth. However, once we get Hal and John back on OA the Alpha Lanterns are put into play. Kudos for Johns having John Stewart in correct voice here. If Johns is going for a sense that this is all heading into bad territory for the Corps then he nailed the tone.

Artist Mike McKone does a fine job of capturing all of the Green Lantern Corps members save one - Hal Jordan. His Hal is a little to pretty boy model - a little too thin. I think McKone would do a great job on "Green Lantern Corps" but his Hal just leaves me flat. I don't know if it was his decision to have Scarecrow in full costume in custody or Johns'. Either way I think Scarecrow would be in a jumpsuit rather than masked up, but that is just nitpicking.

This was a down issue for me. There were some great moments but the story didn't gel. Hopefully next issue will pick up.

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