Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hulk #2

This is an action filled issue. With the Red Hulk rampaging, Jeph Loeb has Hulk kicking some serious ass. After the setup of last issue, the identity of the new Hulk takes a left turn and leaves me wondering who. Ed McGuinness does a fantastic job of with the art - big fight scenes, splash pages, good layouts. McGuinness really gets to play in this issue and I look forward to seeing more from him in future issues. Loeb needs to work on his dialogue a bit. "Oh. The. Humanity" stuck out like a sore thumb. I got the historical reference but I'm not sure Tony Stark would actually utter those words.

Long time readers may ditch the title after this issue due to the final page reveal. Heck, it even had me scratching my head. I thought I had it all figured out until that point. I'm not sure where Loeb is taking this story, there are some somewhat ridiculous elements here that may shock long time Marvel readers, but I'm along for the first arc.

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