Thursday, February 7, 2008

Infinity Inc. #6

DC pulls a bit of a bait and switch in this issue. Don't let the cover fool you, the "Guest Stars" of Superman and Batman really appear on one page to provide some explanation (or exposition). Writer Peter Milligan is taking his time in setting up the world for this team. Milligan has assembled quite the cast of broken heroes for this team. The first five issues didn't do a lot for me but when I heard that Pete Woods would be coming on as the artist and, after catching some of the sneaks of his first art, it looked like a direction that I would find interesting. This issue begins to set up the true reason for these kids to hang together. I like the way Milligan is using John Irons and hope that he remains the "father figure" for the team.

If you've missed the first five issues, this might be a good jumping on point to test your like for this book. However, I think Woods' debut in issue #8 would probably be the best starting issue for new readers.

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