Friday, February 8, 2008

Justice Society of America #12

The "Thy Kingdom Come" story takes a backseat this month as the Justice Society of America is looking to expand its ranks. I get what writer Geoff Johns is going for here. The JSA serves as a family to train up and coming heroes. The current roster of heroes is pretty much up-to-speed on their duties and the old crew (Green Lantern, Wildcat, Flash, and Hawkman) are looking at taking on some inexperienced heroes to train. I just hope Johns isn't bringing these guys and gals on as cannon fodder for the Kingdom Come story. The new Mr. America is on the trail of a hero killer and we see by the end that this investigation will impact the "Thy Kingdom Come" story. The art in this issue was outstanding. Dale Ealglesham can flat out draw the JSA - especially the old guys. His detailed art really makes this book shine and adds to Johns' story.

For those of you tracking the "Thy Kingdom Come" story, this issue really isn't pivotal. However, it is another example of what a great writer Johns is. He writes a great group book and allows all of the characters to breath. If you haven't jumped on JSA, this would be a good point as each character gets some time in the spotlight.

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