Thursday, February 28, 2008

Countdown to Final Crisis #9

I didn't think Dini and company could top the Earth-51 battle, but they come close this issue. They have a lot happening here as the various groups join forces against Brother Eye, Apokolips. The growth of Red Robin continues and he is becoming a decent character. If they would just get rid of his Donna obsession then he would be so much better. Piper is here and is as confused as always. I guess Desaad used him all along because he can summon the anti-life equation with is piping skills...who knew? I thought that was out of left field, but they must have planned this from the beginning because why else has he been in the story. Ray Palmer finally stops being a whiny pussy and suits up. For some reason he's really scared about "Morticoccus" which is in Karate Kid. Now I can't bring myself to get to hyped up about a disease - I just can't seem to see this being that action filled if they have to fight the virus' spread.

As this series winds down, Dini's crew has put out some good issues. I would put this issue up there as a good read with good art by Derenick and Faucher (get these guys a monthly to work on). If you missed out on the first 2/3 of this series, you didn't miss much. From about 18 on, this has become a decent series and a fun weekly read.

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