Monday, November 19, 2007

Suicide Squad #3

"Suicide Squad" issue #3 has the best cover yet for this excellent miniseries. The previous covers did not reach out and grab me, but John K. Snyder's colorful use of the Squad's weapons of choice made this the most compelling cover of the three.

Writer John Ostrander continues to excel with these characters as he takes a detour to the past showing the first meeting of Rick Flag and Rustam. Javier Pina and Robin Riggs' art is top notch capturing the intensity of the characters. Once again, I have to give it up to the colorist. Jason Wright's coloring elevates both the art and the story giving it a very realistic look. In the end, the miniseries looks like it catches up with real time as Flag is rescued after being in prison for three years. The "New Suicide Squad" is the teaser for the next issue and I am looking forward to Ostrander's take on the new and old members of the team.

If you haven't jumped onto this miniseries, head to your local comic shop and pick up issue's 1-3. You do not need a degree in Suicide Squad history to enjoy this mini.

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