Monday, November 19, 2007

Batman and the Outsiders #1

Of the DC "Trinity", I don't read the solo books of Batman. Growing up I was always a Superman fan and, since the George Perez days, a Wonder Woman fan. I never really got into Batman's solo adventures. I do, however, like seeing Batman bounce off of the other residents of the DCU. That is why you see "Superman/Batman", "Justice League of America", "Brave and the Bold", and, now, "Batman and the Outsiders on my pull list. I wasn't a huge fan of the Judd Winick "Outsiders". Nightwing never came across as strong as he did during the Wolfman/Perez Titans-era and the rest of the team didn't impress me. When I heard that Batman was taking over, I decided to give the title another try.

I was a big fan of the 80s version of "Batman and the Outsiders" and enjoyed seeing Batman quit the JLA to form his own team. While the stories were goofy and the reasons for being a team were weak, the book was a fun monthly read. The new Batman and the Outsiders has Batman establishing a team to take care of business that the JLA or JSA wouldn't want to sully their hands with. The team try out books were interesting but ultimately failed to capture the driving motivation for the team.

Writer Chuck Dixon starts "Batman and the Outsiders" on their first covert op and brings depth of character to each team member. Julian Lopez's pencils along with Bit's inking brings clean lines and outstanding visuals. I especially liked Marta Martinez's coloring. The muted colors fit the tone of the book and bring an almost painted quality to the art. Dixon looks to be taking this team in the right direction. Here's hoping that the creative team can stay together and on schedule.

With an outstanding cover by Doug Braithwaite, "Batman and the Outsiders" #1 is an excellent start to what I hope will be an outstanding team monthly from DC.

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