Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Teen Titans #52

"Teen Titans" #52 continues the "Titans of Tomorrow" story line with each Titan getting to work with their older selves. The interaction between Tim Drake Batman and Tim Drake Robin was done quite well. McKeever also captured Blue Beetle's characterization very well. I really liked the touch of having Kid Devil's older self get new memories as things changed. However, I was disappointed in the art. Jamal Igle and a gaggle of inkers do a passable job filling in for the absent Ale Garza, but I would have preferred seeing Garza's take on all of this. I like to have artistic continuity in specific stories. This book was solicited as Garza pencilled as is next month's. I hope Garza can finish out this story next month. I give DC credit for making the call and getting the book out on time, but today's artist need to learn to keep to a schedule. McKeever's story is action packed with moments for good character development. I'm looking forward to the conclusion of this with Luthor's Titan Army next month.

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