Friday, April 11, 2008

Countdown to Final Crisis #3

After quite a few lame duck issues of "Countdown to Final Crisis" we get an action packed slugfest. Dini and company bring a fast paced issue that is actually a good read. Stuff Happens! Imagine that. In a 52 issue weekly series, we get an issue where something other than talking heads are present. While I still don't get the motivations of Mary Marvel, which is a big failure in writing, I did enjoy watching her cut loose.

As this series draws down, what really hits me is that it could have been a good series at 26 or even 12 issues. At 52 issues DC just stretched a story. It is much like "Lost" when there was no end in site. The viewer gets countless "filler" episodes. Now with a specific end date "Lost" has tightened its story telling. If you don't have enough story for 52 issues, cut the issue count down or go to another story. I'm know that if "Trinity" meanders it will not stay on my pull list. I'll drop it and then read the synopsis online.

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