Thursday, January 3, 2008

Action Comics #860

Part Three of the "Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes" story arc has writer Geoff Johns moving the plot forward at a fast pace. While last issue was a bit of a setup issue, this issue propels forward with lots of action and twists and turns. We are half way through this six part story and I am completely engrossed. This LOSH stands in stark contrast to the current monthly version and I'm hoping that Johns can clear this up.

I like Gary Frank's Superman a great deal, but there are times when his character's facial expressions border on mannequinesque. I believe it is in the eyes. There are a few panels where the characters look like they are looking directly at the "camera" and not where they should be. This gives them an almost dead/inanimate look.

Given that little nitpick, this story continues to be an very good read.

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