Thursday, February 28, 2008

Marvel Zombies 2 #5 of 5

Reaching the final chapter of "Marvel Zombies 2", I have to look back over the whole miniseries and evaluate whether this would be a good TPB to buy. Writer Robert Kirkman did an excellent job in the first half of this miniseries building the tension for the confrontation between the returning zombie heroes and the survivors on Earth. Sean Phillips' art was very good in that it captured the fun (and grossness) of the zombie heroes and the age and hard living of the Earth survivors. However as the second half of the miniseries kicked in, the fun meter started to fall as the zombie heroes lost their hunger and reflected on what they had done to their universe. Kirkman, realizing he couldn't just go on-and-on with zombies eating, turns the corner and shows that humans can be truly evil. If you read Kirkman's "The Walking Dead" this concept is not new.

I felt as the series moved on that it was loosing steam. As compared to the first miniseries, this fell flat. However, Kirkman does setup up a somewhat cliffhanger ending allowing for future editions. I am a big Kirkman fan but, in this instance, it just didn't capture the Kirkman magic.

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